Board Structure and Our Role

The board’s role is central to the success of the AAA U18 Sharks. Its’ governance consists of the processes and structure used to direct and manage the hockey team’s operations and activities. Battlefords AAA U18 Sharks is an arm of and accountable to Battlefords Minor Hockey Association. Our stewardship also includes supervising team officials who are responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the team.

Our board has, and continues to, reflect a wide variety of experiences. As this AAA team evolves within the league, so does the board’s strategic objectives. Key responsibilities include a long-term perspective, sound performance, financial health and sound relationships. The constitution, mandate, detailed role descriptions and handbooks are regularly reviewed and updated. Diversity of its’ directors helps ensure the vision, mission and values are providing sound direction into the future. The board continues to be effective in assisting with operational tasks such as fundraising, secretarial, accounting, web design, legal and liaisons to parents, players, the schools, the community and the sponsors. Succession planning, mentorship and use of external professional resources will also continue.

The board has developed a sound platform to position the AAA U18 Sharks within SHA’s newly created Sask Female Development Model. We look forward to continuing our opportunity of assisting with SHA’s objective of providing female players the opportunity to develop and progress from Grassroots hockey through to Elite hockey and up.

Director | Jeanne Gilchrist

Past-Director | Dave Amson

Secretary | Jennifer Marcoux

Treasurer | Jeanne Gilchrist

Director of Scouting | Roger Blaquiere

Members at Large | Ashley Rafuse, Steph Green, Erik Marcoux

BMHA Representatives | Patricia Meiklejohn, Kyle Kellgren

Battlefords U18 Female AAA Sharks Constitution and Bylaws

"One of the greatest assets of our community is the youthful exuberance of our citizens and their deep desire to help make our community the best it can be!"